Introduction: Provided to VA MSPV staff to identify the concerns raised by SDV-MPG members during meeting on July 21st regarding VA and DLA MSPV programs.


July, 2022


Members of the SDV-MPG have identified a number of issues regarding VA’s MSPV program as well as the proposed use of DLA’s MSPV program by VA. The issues identified are as follows:



1. VAMC’s have not provided prime vendors with usage data so prime vendors do not stock and order from Supply BPA holders.

2. The result of #1 is a high number of drop ship orders which causes additional expenses.

3. Another result of #1 is prime vendors not assigning prime vendor ordering numbers (PVONs) which causes further delays and confusion for obtaining specific products by VAMCs.

4. VA cannot process the number of modifications which result from the large number of BPAs awarded resulting in Supply BPA holders losing money on each order.

5. Determinations of “fair & reasonable” pricing is inconsistent with each group determining pricing differently. Needs to be VHA policy including SDVOSB “price differential”.

DLA’s MSPV Program

1. No requirement to mandate VETS First.

2. No limitations on fees charged suppliers by the prime vendors.

3. No limitations on product substitutions by DLA.

4. PVONS are difficult to obtain.

5. SDVOSBs attempt to add products via DAPA, DLA determines products are “out of scope” although VA has needs for products.


1. A 25-year-old system that DoD is replacing in 2026. Why should VA implement now?

2. Why expend up to $2 billion by VA in a system VA does not own?

3. DMLSS does not control, which suppliers (SDVOSB BPA holders) that VA can purchase from.

4. Over 50,000 products VA uses are not listed on DMLSS.

5. DMLSS does not point only to SDVOSB suppliers.

6. DMLSS does not report sales to SDVOSBs.


1. Multiple vendors for the same products.

2. No VETS First requirements.

3. Lack of transparency and specificity on fees charged.

4. Attempts to add products to DAPAs by SDVOSBs result in DLA determining products are “out of scope” although products are on VA formulary.

5. Does not meet VA’s needs. See DMLSS #4.



1. Can take over a year to obtain E-CAT contract vehicle.

2. No VETS First requirements.

3. Determination of “fair & reasonable” pricing is made using an old GSA model that does not account for current market conditions.

4. Does not meet VA’s needs. See DMLSS #4