General Information


    A Message From Toby Calvo, SDVMPG President ...

    A Letter from Scott Denniston, SDVMPG Executive Director ...

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  2. SDV-MPG History

    The SDV-MPG has been in existence since June, 2016. We formed as a result of the U.S. Supreme Court decision in the Kingdomware case and VA’s announcement of the development of a medical/surgical prime vendor program. Our goal was to insure that SDVOSBs would  play a part in the MSPV program. From 2016-2021 we were under the umbrella of the National Veteran Small Business Coalition (NVSBC). As a result of decisions made by the new leadership of the NVSBC it was determined to be in our best interest to leave the NVSBC and form our own organization, thus the formation of the SDV-MPG in January, 2022. We have 22 member firms, all VA/CVE verified SDVOSBs.  Over the past 10 months we have engaged VA at all levels; headquarters, VHA and the SAC as to our  concerns regarding the current prime vendor contract as well as the draft RFP for the upcoming MSPV distribution contracts.  We have also briefed staff of the Senate and House Veterans Affairs Committees as to our concerns

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  3. SDV-MPG Mission Statement

    SDVMPG Mission Statement

    Service Disabled Veteran Medical Products Group Mission Statement:

    Provide ongoing support for advancement in Veteran’s healthcare. We want to lead the unification of Service-Disabled Veteran and Veteran-Owned medical products businesses to be an advocate for compliance with existing public laws and regulations. Ultimately, our aim is to deliver world-class products and services to VA, DoD and other healthcare facilities, while providing for additional business opportunities for Veteran-Owned and Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned businesses.

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  4. SDV-MPG Goals

    SDV-MPG Goals

    The Service Disabled Veteran Medical Products Group (SDV-MPG) maintains a clear set of goals aligned with our mission:

    • Partner with VA to ensure accountability with VETS First and other laws and rules in VA procurements to assist veteran and service-disabled-veteran-owned small businesses.
    • Preserve MSPV Supply BPA’s for their intended like.
    • Provide “preferences” for SDVOSBs equal or greater to preferences provide for HUB Zone and other designated groups.
    • Ensure SDVOSB participation to the maximum extend possible, in all government medical procurements in the future.
    • Eliminate the “Non-manufacturer Rule” for all medical procurements.
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